Neidio i'r prif gynnwys
Arhoswch, yn llwytho

Crynodeb o'r swydd

Prif leoliad
Cyfnod Penodol: 3 blynedd (This appointment will be for up to three years and will be subject to annual performance review.)
  • Rhan-amser
  • Arall
3 days per week
Cyfeirnod y swydd
Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
Math o gyflogwr
Royal Berkshire Hospital
£50,000 actual salary, per annum
Cyfnod cyflog
Yn flynyddol
Yn cau
Today at 08:00
Dyddiad y cyfweliad

Teitl cyflogwr

Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust logo



Trosolwg o'r swydd

The Chair’s main role is to provide clear leadership of the unitary Board, and create the development conditions for the Board to work effectively to deliver its unitary functions, demonstrate an ability to set the Board Agenda and lead the other Non-Executive Directors in supporting and holding the Executive to account for the satisfactory operation and management of the Foundation Trust whilst at the same time ensuring the Board plays a full role in the determination and development of the organisation’s strategy. The Chair will lead both the Board of Directors and the Council of Governors and is the Trust’s representative within the local community. The Chair will demonstrate and ensure high standards of probity and governance prevail and that the Trust remains within the terms of its Provider Licence.

The Board of Directors collectively are responsible for the success of the Trust, by directing and supervising its affairs. This includes responsibility to maintain financial viability, using resources effectively within appropriate financial controls, ensuring high levels of probity and value for money and to deliver high standards of clinical governance, ensuring that all relevant health standards are met.

Prif ddyletswyddau'r swydd

The Chair of Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust must devote sufficient time to ensure satisfactory discharge of their duties. This will be on average 3 days per week. This will comprise a mixture of set commitments (such as a board meetings and committee meetings) and more flexible arrangements for ad hoc events, reading and preparation. Most of the time commitment will be during the working day. However, some evening work will be required.

You should also note that this post is a public appointment or statutory office rather than a job and is therefore not subject to the provisions of employment law. To ensure that public service values are maintained at the heart of the National Health Service, Chairs are required to subscribe to the Code of Conduct and Standing Orders and Standing Financial instructions for the Foundation Trust.

As Chair you must demonstrate high standards of corporate and personal conduct. You will be required to declare any conflict of interest that arises in the course of Board business and also declare any relevant business interests, positions of authority or with other connections with commercial, public or voluntary bodies. These will be published in the annual report with details of all Board members’ remuneration from NHS sources.


Gweithio i'n sefydliad

The Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust has a rich history of providing healthcare to the people of Reading, West Berkshire and South Oxfordshire, touching the lives of more than half a million of our residents every year. We are committed to innovation, always looking ahead to the challenges of the future, the health and wellbeing of the people we serve and developing and investing in our amazing staff.

This is a challenging time to be working in the NHS, but it is also one rich in opportunity and we know that we are in a strong position to deliver on our vision of working together to provide outstanding care for our community.

Swydd ddisgrifiad a phrif gyfrifoldebau manwl

To be able to take up appointment, the successful candidate must be a public member of Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust. Details of how to become a member can be found on our website:

This appointment will be for up to three years and will be subject to annual performance review.

A second three year term can be considered at the end of the first period of office subject to consistently good performance and the needs of the organisation. A degree of change is often sought on boards and there should therefore be no expectation of automatic re-appointment.

Establishing clear objectives to deliver the agreed plans and strategy to meet the terms of its Provider Licence and regularly review performance against those objectives. 

Holding the Chief Executive accountable for the effective management and delivery of the organisation’s strategic aims and objectives. 

Ensuring the long term sustainability of the Trust. 

Ensuring the effective implementation of Board of Director decisions by the Chief Executive, the Executive Management Team. 

Developing a close and constructive relationship with the Chief Executive, providing support and guidance while respecting executive responsibility including conducting a performance appraisal of the Chief Executive at least annually. 

Running the Board of Directors and ensuring their effectiveness in all aspects of its role, including regularity and frequency of meetings.

Setting the Board Agenda, taking into account the issues and concerns of all Directors, as appropriate.

The Agenda should be forward looking, concentrating on strategic and quality matters. 

Managing the Board of Directors to allow sufficient time for the discussion of complex or contentious issues, ensuring that Directors have appropriate time to consider critical issues, obtain answers to any questions or concerns they may have and are not faced with unrealistic deadlines for decision-making. 

Ensuring that all Directors receive accurate, timely and clear information, including that on the Trust’s current performance, to enable the Board of Directors to make sound decisions, monitor effectively and provide advice to promote the success of the Trust. 

Ensuring that Directors are fully informed about all the issues on which the Board will have to make a decision. 

Facilitating the effective contribution of Non-Executive Directors at Board and Committee Meetings and encouraging active engagement by all Board Members. 

Ensuring that there is appropriate delegation of authority from the Board of Directors to the Executive and Senior Management Team. 

Ensuring effective and constructive relations are established and maintained between Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors and Governors in furtherance of the goals of the Trust. 

Implementing and maintaining effective communications strategy between the Board of Directors, Governors, Members, the media and wider stakeholders.

Manyleb y person


Meini prawf hanfodol
  • Qualified to be a member of the Foundation Trust and a Board Director.


Meini prawf hanfodol
  • Previous experience at Board level in a large/complex/changing organisation.
  • Experience of leading boards to deliver high quality service, in a challenging financial environment which is complex and regulated.
  • Experience of Chairing formally constituted meetings & boards/committees with effective chairing skills.


Meini prawf hanfodol
  • Ability to adapt current knowledge and skills to apply these in the context of the NHS and acute sector culture and operating environment.
  • First class leadership skills with a strong team ethos and the ability to lead a team of directors, ensuring their skills and contribution are used effectively.
  • Strong business and financial knowledge.
Meini prawf dymunol
  • Broad understanding of the NHS and other health and social care providers.
  • Sound knowledge of corporate governance.


Meini prawf dymunol
  • Clear understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, liabilities & responsibilities of non-executive directors.

Bathodynnau ardystio / achredu cyflogwyr

NHS Pastoral Care Quality AwardApprenticeships logoNo smoking policyArmed Forces Covenant (Silver Award)Care quality commission - GoodMindful employer.  Being positive about mental health.Stonewall equality policy. Equality and justice for lesbians, gay men, bisexual and trans people.National Preceptorship for Nursing Quality Mark 2024

Gofynion ymgeisio

Mae'r swydd hon yn ddarostyngedig i Orchymyn Deddf Adsefydlu Troseddwyr 1974 (Eithriadau) 1975 (Diwygio) (Cymru a Lloegr) 2020 a bydd angen cyflwyno Datgeliad i'r Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd.

Dogfennau i'w lawrlwytho

Gwneud cais ar-lein nawr

Rhagor o fanylion / cyswllt ar gyfer ymweliadau anffurfiol

Carmel Gibbons
Teitl y swydd
Odgers Berndtson
Cyfeiriad ebost
[email protected]
Gwybodaeth i gefnogi eich cais

The preferred method of application is online at:
If you are unable to apply online please email: [email protected]

All applications will receive an automated response. 

Any postal applications should be sent direct to Carmel Gibbons, 20 Cannon Street, London, EC4M 6XD. 

We are committed to ensuring everyone can access our website and application processes. This includes people with sight loss, hearing, mobility and cognitive impairments. Should you require access to these documents in alternative formats, please contact [email protected].

Os ydych yn cael problemau'n gwneud cais, cysylltwch â

Royal Berkshire Hospital
Princes House
Level 2
United Kingdom
Rhif ffôn
0118 322 5356
Gwneud cais ar-lein nawrAnfonwch hysbysiadau ataf am swyddi gwag tebyg