Employer heading

- Address
Northland District Health Board
Maunu House, Maunu Road
New Zealand
- Website
- http://www.northlanddhb.org.nz
Northland DHB is the funder, planner and a key provider of health and disability services for the population of Te Tai Tokerau (Northland). Employing over 2,628 staff and covering the area from Te Hana in the south to Cape Reinga in the North, it serves a population of about 157,420.
The Northland Health Service Plan project has been established to develop the strategic direction for the funding and delivery of health services in Northland to the year 2031 (ie, a 20-year horizon). The Plan will take a ‘whole of system’ and population health approach with an emphasis on actions to be taken in the next 5 years.
Working in partnership under the Treaty of Waitangi, to create opportunities for improving health and wellbeing, and promoting independence of all the people of Northland/ Te Tai Tokerau.
Mahi tahi te kaupapa o Te Tiriti o Waitangi he whakarapopoto nga whakaaro o te Whare Tapa Wha me te whakatuturutahi I te tino rangitiratanga te Iwi whanui o Te Tai Tokerau
web site Feb 2012
Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau presently has no vacancies listed in our database.